It was on this day a sky ago that time.






wombness into terrors she could not foresee

share with me the tears that you cry like

wild music, for i too

wail in limbo.

If i die before i finish my song burn me and use my ashes to scribble obscenities on the forehead of Buddha.

you and

i am too big a fake to be simple and angelic like therefore i spew forth impotent odes from my yellow jungle of bed spread.

Although i pretend to be insane i am really too wise for




and the

knowledge that i know all and cannot be God screws me with insistent drill and curses

and mocks my bleeding wound. It is this i that sings for you today charlie i charlie

iiii ii iii that

sings in ancient black rhythms


sins hungers

dingy upstairs vision of frio.


how charlie today are you

in security and museums wrapped

warm against jesus and me. i am with you in your 3 room 1-E house i am with you though you ignore my face blaming darkness i am with you wishing you would kill me i am with you even in the urgent streets of modern babylon i am with you though i i


cannot comprehend it

i am with you laughing and killing rats in happy frio singing poetry in your ears

trying to make you listen.

It is warm in my room.

though rude outside wind Knocks at my window (i

may invite him in
